Kajak Brela j.d.o.o. is located Frankopanska 27, 21 322 Brela, in the Splitsko – Dalmatinska region in Croatia. If you experience difficulties to find us, enter the geographical location on Google Maps in order to get the shortest way to reach us.
Kayak Brela’s aim is to bring new adventure and sport activity in Brela in partnership with the local community in order for our customers to experience fun and excitment during their stay in Brela.
Below we made a few maps for travelling from large cities in vicinity to Brela:
- If you are traveling to Brela from Split, it’s just an hour away drive, 50 km. You can view the shortest route here (Google Maps).
- If you are traveling to Brela from Šibenik, it’s just an 2 hours drive, 133 km. You can view the shortest route here (Google Maps).
- If you are traveling to Brela from Zadar, it’s just an 3 hours drive, 202 km. You can view the shortest route here (Google Maps).
Maybe you are planning to visit Croatia via airplane – you can view the list of airports in Croatia HERE.
Have a safe and pleasant trip & we hope you will enjoy your stay with us here in Brela.